Sue Look
- 207-655-4742 x131 - office
- 207-520-4461 - cell
- 401 Webbs Mills Rd, Raymond ME 04071
20-years experience in municipal/state government and 36 years managing data. Lives in Richmond with her husband and cat.
- 1987-2002 - LL Bean - last 10 years as a Data Analyst, ending as Senior Data Analyst, for the customer name and address database and processes
- 2003-2008 - Town Clerk in West Bath
- 2008-2013 - Elections Division of the Secretary of State's office - Manager of the Central Voter Registration system
- 2013-2014 - Information Technology Division of the Secretary of State's office - Manager of the Driver's License database
- 2014-present - Town Clerk in Raymond
- 2023-2024 - Interim Town Manager of Raymond
- 2024 Town Manager of Raymond